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Supercharge your research with the most complete, accurate and fast fundamental data.

Daloopa uses AI to provide the best fundamental data service for equity analysts globally. Automatically update your models and expedite new model builds so you can spend more time on insights and ideas.

Want to stop manually sourcing fundamental data so you can focus on analysis, insights and ideas that outperform?

Know the full history of 
your coverage companies

Get 4-10x more historical data points than other sources to help you build in-depth insights that drive strong performance.

Data sourced from:

Data includes:

Complete DLP GIF

Have confidence in the numbers, and your ideas

Daloopa’s hyperlink technology helps you audit and gain context that drives confidence.

DLP Accurate GIF

Faster updates for faster time to insights

Manually updating models takes time away from focusing on insight and new ideas. Daloopa is built to help 
users get that time back.

Data sourced from:

All this helps users easily maintain multiple models and clear backlog during earnings season, with 15-45 minute time savings per model.

"I cover 35 companies. I used to have to pick the top companies to focus on during earnings. Since I started using Daloopa, I can update them all at once and focus on which ones really matter."
Senior Analyst
Long/Short Hedge Fund
“The value of Daloopa is how much data you capture and how accurate it is. If it’s disclosed, Daloopa has it.”
Senior Analyst
Multi-Manager Hedge Fund

Fundamental data how you want it.

Download Daloopa's data sheets

Download the full data sheets to initiate coverage easily or simply add as a tab into your existing model.

daloopa market place

Install Daloopa's Excel Add-in

Link to Daloopa’s data base and update directly in your model in one-click with Daloopa’s Excel Add-in.

Daloopa Excel Add On

See why top-performing hedge funds rely on Daloopa to eliminate manual work and create more time for alpha-generating insights!

Download the Oracle Datasheet!

Download Nvidia DataSheet

Download the Starbucks datasheet here